Monday, September 27, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Compare and Contrast
Blog is a personal or corporate website in the format of online journal with new entries written in a timely fashion. The updates and edits are limited to one person, making it slow. Wiki is a collaborative website where it can be directly edited by anyone with an account and password. The edits and updates of the content is rapidly fast.

Blog can only have one author, however it can have many comments being written by the visitors to the site in a orderly fashion. The content is written in form of a journal. According to Kathy E. Gill, blogs have archived entries, meaning the accessibility of the old contents still exist.
 Kathy Gill - Blogosphere

According to Erza Goodnoe,  wikis were originally conceived as an open source project in the extreme, there are those who argue that a true wiki should have no authorship restrictions.Wiki can have multiple authors editing the content, meaning the content most likely belong to the wiki not the authors. The authors are like the cooperating members of the community. Multiple opinions can be edited on wiki, yet they could appear on the wiki site or on a discussion forum.
Erza Goodnoe - Wikis

The convergence of blogs is the passion or voice of the community as one network. It brings the community of people into one network where communication is easier with the exchange of emails and comments being posted up. It is efficient and easy to access on blogs since every entries are updated in a journal format. It is also timely consumed, since people will depend on technology more. Therefore, the convergence of blogs are a plus to those that use laptops, desktops or notebooks because they can don't waste time.

New Use of Wikis
Wikis can help students with group projects. According to Erza Goodnoe, wiki is a content management system. Documents, spreadsheets, web links and other contents allow people to create a project from wikis. Since the setup of post is pretty general, students can make a use of wikis in form of groups to make their projects since it allows external links as well. Since wikis is an open sourced website, many people can visit the project and make multiple comments or edits making wiki more reliable with the knowledge of the multiple edits.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Social Networking: Better or worse than the real thing?

For my research, I will be comparing and contrasting the visual world of communication through internet and its services towards the real world in which we communicate in. From these so called "internet chats and bloggers", many of them such as myspace, twitter and facebook have brought a great change of communication into the visual world as well as the real world. Unlike the visual world, our real world consists of a massive amount of people and transportation that we have to rely more on technology such as telephones or cellphones.  So basically I will be explaining and supporting my ideas on how social networking is better than the real thing. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Describe New Media

New Media can be described as a communication where varies people from all over the place can participate. It is a social network where people can share what is on their mind in a very convenient way. They don't need to walk several miles or waste some money to take a bus or train just to commute to their fellow friends.

There is also a popular Chinese blog that found the attention of many people out there. This blogger brings about the critical issues of certain affairs into discussion on internet. This new media helps those who are searching for news and affairs easier. Either old news or new ones, those issues are posted in the blogger where it holds massive amount of information.

NYTimes-Chinese Blogger