Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

What are different ways these virtual worlds can be used? What are the pros and cons? Be specific. How do virtual worlds foster creativity? What do you think the future of virtual worlds will look like?

Virtual world can be used in many ways. Some parties or organizations use it for meeting purpose. Some people use it for gaming and socializing. Some use the virtual world for entertainment. Some uses it for business and money making. According to Linden Lab, businesses are easier and budgets are cut lower in this way.

The pros of virtual world is that it allows users to have easier communication, less travel and budgets. According to Linden Lab, creators of Second Life, more than 1,400 organizations use Second Life to hold meetings, conduct training and prototype new technologies more efficiently. Many organizations and businesses are trying to lower on travel and make it time consuming by using Second Life. They create extra security for safety issue. They create altered avatars of themselves and the enterprise tool allows them to do so. There are other possibility as video conferencing.

The cons of virtual world is that some information or avatars can be fake. People are anonymous online. Different behavior on the network than on reality. There are money fraud that goes around in virtual world as well. Cheating and meddling with other people’s privacy as well. Or even if the avatar are a girl or guy, we do not know if it is a girl or guy in real because it could be false.

Creativity in the virtual world varies a lot. There are old and new media, entertainment, games, colorful thoughts and ideas. For example, for an avatar of yourself, you can change your hair color. You can change your skin, height, hairstyle, eyes, mouth, and more. To be anonymous, you can use a different name. You can lie about your age and job. For example in Second Life, the creator can design different house, apartment, bars, restaurants, store, museums and etc. He can change and add in portraits on the wall. He can have it a comfortable brown or orange colors. He could also make it scary if he wants to. He can create events for example, Halloween -- He can create green wallpapers for the wall and floor. Black or white curtains on the window could be used. In Hotel Chelsea, Mr. Brown took his time and created a building in Second Life. Many avatars were entertained and interested in his work. It was undergoing a great process at first.

Nowadays, virtual world are pretty common because technology advances so fast. Everyone uses the network for entertainment, gaming, streaming, downloading and discussions. There are some cons and pros, however everyone is learning to cope with it. Reality is reality and virtual world is virtual world. Maybe in the far future, if possible, they will mix better.

"In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again,"by Saki Knafo, The New York Times, May 3, 2009, p. CY6. Available at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/03/nyregion/thecity/03virt.html

Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, CNN.com: Nov 5, 2009 http://www.cnn.com/2009/BUSINESS/11/05/second.life.virtual.collaboration/index.html

Twitter Disscussion

       Twitter discussion is pretty useful. There are so many different choices to make and good for job search. You can easily tag someone or follow someone, and you would be able to see and read their response.  Comments can be added or read any time. They would still be there and almost anyone can see as long as they search or browse through.

      With blackboard discussion, it is only accessible by the students and professor. Not much variety of designs like the display pictures are seen on the side. Comments are not shared entirely. There are no special tags like the @ or # that gets you to be in a group chat. We can delete or re-twitter on the twitter discussion. We cannot delete response or comments on the blackboard discussion.

      In a class room discussion, we are only talking to those amount of people and no one else. Only those in class and the professor can know of what is going on. We are talking physically and expressing with gestures. Twitter does not have that since it is online based. It is easier on twitter to have access with everyone and people can get the message right away. In a class discussion, the things we talk about are limited and time is also limited.  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Social Networking

There are many ways that social networking technologies can be used by corporations and businesses.Marketing majors or any other types of majors use computers nowadays. Through network, there are mass amount of information and websites that we do not even know about. Some sites are not even reliable since most of them are not done professionally. Thus, many networking chats, blogs and sites like Facebook, twitter, Myspace and other similar social networking site gathers those people on the same place and discuss what they should be using.

Not only does social networking helps create better site seeing, but also it helps us communicate better. It improves globally and economically. Many organizations either profitable or non profit, they create their own networking sites, so co-workers can vary and share their experiences with each other. They tell about their stories, relates their experiences, rates the organization; so that more enthusiastic younger generations will join and build it even better. "Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever." (Langfitt, Frank Social Networking) Linkedin is one of the networks out there that recruits many people for jobs.  Laspina is one of those people that got recruited and she said it was because the company reached out for her and asked her what position she wants.

The benefits of social network also helps improve our communication, because of daily chats and blogs we sent to each other. Unlike reality, whatever we post up, your friends out there will be able to see. Also since now most sites are advancing, we are able to control our privacy of letting who see. For example in Facebook, there are private chats and inbox. Through inbox, we can sent messages privately as well and the person will see the notification once he/she logs on.

The dark side of networking is that there can be loss of privacy even if there are private chats. We do not know if it is the person we are talking to. Suppose if that person's friend is on his account playing a game, or sending misinformation, or possibility hacked. We cannot physically see each other as well. A lot of misinformation going on and misleading people to virus or spyware. There are also some sites that gives spywares and we cannot make sure if every single site has either.

In my opinion, we should be extra careful when visiting foreign sites. Or I could also use yesterday's incident that the Baruch site was attacked. People visiting it could not open up the site. It also keep sending emails saying to confirm who you are and such. I heard it is already fixed, but such things like this happen more frequently now because of the advantages of those with good computer skills. There is that violation of privacy with those emails and site abuse.

Langfitt, Frank. "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6522523&sc=emaf>

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Check Out Social Networking Sites

Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and Twitter are all social networking sites that have been around for better communication. They all have chats/ communication area where people can be contacted. They are all user friendly and the help button shows and guides me to where most tools and archives are located. At the same time there are many differences. For Facebook, it is more toward individuality because most experiences are from you. You are the one sharing the stories and comments to people. MySpace has a bit more variety in term of creativity with the site. Like Facebook, it can be used for comments and stories. At the same times it can be used for collection of entertainment. Friendster gives a lot more detail information on advertising, sales, cars, news, services and more. Twitter on the other hand, shows a lot more updates with international and national news. 

Of all of them, Facebook is probably the most popular one because there are more tools, archives, games and group chats. From the site, communicating with friends and other members can be done through private or public messages or a chat feature. You could also join interest or fan groups with your peer community or friends. You can control what you want to share. For example, you can block people from seeing your pictures, comments if they are not your friends. For friends of friends’ information, you could control it as if only you can see it. It is convenient for me because most of my friends are there.  Since technology has improved so much, most people have their Facebook on their phones as well, so they can easily access it anywhere where there is wireless network.

MySpace is also pretty popular compared to Facebook. However, it has better customization. You can customize and update your site anyway you want. It has all kinds of layout and function that entertains the user. You can also use small emoticons to express your moods and feelings. You can do journal entries and picture albums. You can upload music and videos onto like Facebook. It also has many more other entertainment options in there. 

For Friendster, I like how it can be shown in so many different languages. When I sign in for it, it automatically asks me if I want to upload a picture. I think that step was unnecessary because the interests and hobbies matter more. But I do like the step where it adds the people from  my email automatically so that I don’t have to waste my time adding one by one. I also noticed that it has several ads on each click. It also has suggestions if I want to try any new things such as games and Medias. The media and games are actually pretty entertaining as well.
Lastly, I have seen twitter on a lot of smart phones and iPhones as well as with Facebook. I have never used it before. Now that I have an access to it, the site does not load that fast for me. Maybe I don’t have good connection. I get error sometimes. I tried again later around evening last night, I can finally access it. I like how it gives suggestions and ask if users want to do it or not. I see that there are a lot of topics revolving twitter. Some of them are Art & Design, Books, business, Charity, Deals & Discounts, entertainment, family, food & drink and etc. When I click the news area, it gives me a list of different news sites. This is really helpful because I don’t have to take my time looking and search for the ones I want. I can just tag them on my twitter.