Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twitter Disscussion

       Twitter discussion is pretty useful. There are so many different choices to make and good for job search. You can easily tag someone or follow someone, and you would be able to see and read their response.  Comments can be added or read any time. They would still be there and almost anyone can see as long as they search or browse through.

      With blackboard discussion, it is only accessible by the students and professor. Not much variety of designs like the display pictures are seen on the side. Comments are not shared entirely. There are no special tags like the @ or # that gets you to be in a group chat. We can delete or re-twitter on the twitter discussion. We cannot delete response or comments on the blackboard discussion.

      In a class room discussion, we are only talking to those amount of people and no one else. Only those in class and the professor can know of what is going on. We are talking physically and expressing with gestures. Twitter does not have that since it is online based. It is easier on twitter to have access with everyone and people can get the message right away. In a class discussion, the things we talk about are limited and time is also limited.  

1 comment:

  1. I have made very similar points as yours. The special symbols such as @ and # are not a pro to me. I have to remember to put them everytime when I tweet somthing or reply someone.
