Monday, November 29, 2010

The Social Network

    Surprisingly, Social Network the Movie didn't affect me much based on Facebook use. I heard many that have seen the movie are being aware of the Facebook site. Overall rating for the movie, i would give five out of five. For both Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, they stand out a lot throughout the movie. They were both terrific actors, just that the turnout of their relationship was sad due how the story went out making those billions of dollars. It was fascinating and quite catchy since it makes you think about how fast and often the internet and networking have evolved. The scenarios of how the Winklevoss twins started "Harvard Connection" with such ambition and having creating an intense rivalry. However, in some parts of the movie, it was a bit too exaggerated, it makes me wonder if it is really based on a true story.

    I was also reading this article where dozens of people stopped going on Facebook, especially the older men and women. The youngster ranging from 18-35 that goes on Facebook increased after watching the Social Network. It seems there are many negative comments about the movie itself. I, myself find the movie pretty entertaining dealing with their experience of making social network work as a success on the computer. - The Social Network

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Next New Thing

 Internet has been taking over many people since technology is improving faster than before. Pretty much that the next new thing would be a transfer of a better communication through cellphones. Since iphones and smartphones are already on its way with webcams, they might go further and create international webcam where you can webcam with anyone around the world. What's more is there might be cellphone projectors that are on its way to a create a new generation.

 In the future, we might be webcaming and see each other through a virtual image through mini projectors. Many things are unpredictable, and yet there are possibilities that it will happen. Those 3D figures of people will be seen on those projector purpose. Since 3D idea are pretty much in theaters and picture-frames, there might be a change and be added through the cellphone webcams for better quality purpose.

The idea of the next new media will be transferred through other technologies, for example through cellphones where internet exists.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wiki So Far

As of what I am researching, I am thinking about the yearly decrease and increase drop-rate of the New Media toward the stock market. However first and for most, comparison and connection between the Social Media and the Financial Market is a must. Description of what affects the social media through the Financial Market will take some time to look through. The yearly rates are for most part dropping due to privacy, intellectual property and other such problems. Those problems will not be look through much but will be discussed for some parts because most media involves much of them. I have not yet edit it up to the Wiki yet, because I want to research a bit more into it before finalizing my parts on it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About my term paper

I did my term paper on how social networking is better than reality. I used several examples and scenarios where social networking benefits our lives more. I used Facebook and Tweeter as examples as well. I researched references from Baruch databases and some recent news that can back up my evidence. Some references come from JSTOR, ISTE, and Google Scholars. I wrote about the cons and pros of Facebook and Tweeter on how it impacts our lives on the internet and in the real world. I chose this topic because I want to further my research and see how Facebook have helped people. I also wanted to see in what ways have it harmed people. As for Twitter, I did not know much. But after a thorough research, it actually in really helpful with job finding. However what was interesting and a major finding for me was from the article on Tweeter's limited 140 words. From one of my article, it talked about mindcasting and lifecasting. The phenomenal idea is that just chatting online can be an art that emphasizes many things. Since technology advance as social media advances, I can understand why mindcasting can be fun and challenging. According to one of my researcher Cortunix,  mindcasting is a method that uses Twitter for exchange of news, information, analysis and opinion. And lifecasting is a method that uses Twitter to make friends and communicate with them, to be in a continuous presence in a community of one's liking. It tells users that today's networking media is more challenging and aesthetic as time pass on. It also tells users that today's new media not only can help our understanding of online communication but also our daily life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Advice to Baruch College

Many of the Baruch Media are pretty good, though it could be better. It did help many students fostering their community and know what is going on in school. For example, Blackboard did help us with our communication. Though it is a useful tool for learning, it is pretty outdated. It could be better if there are interacting chat rooms where online people can share their information. The forwarding messages are saved in there for their next visits. It should show who is online and who is not. Since many students use twitters, blogs, Facebook and etc, it could be better if it is linked to blackboard right away through linking system. Even professors might have a better way of knowing when and who posted just by going on blackboard.

Baruch networking can also try to improve the problems by having its own forum where students can discuss about their problems or school related issues. It could be helpful. Lectures, notes, projects, group work, presentation, and other issues can be discussed there. Communication might even improve. Although there are risks to take, it is worth a try.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Nowadays, many problems involve with Privacy and Confidentiality. Privacy deals with personal information and confidentiality deals with authorized information from clients or companies. Privacy on the Internet are being violated more and more due to better technology or programs. Confidentiality is getting easier to know as well due to many social networking sites that share company employees or employers.

From Internet, for example on Facebook, there are people that do not know the privacy customization in there. Their information can be seen by everyone. Since we are using world wide Internet, we don't know who will be accessing out sites. It is true that most social networking sites are improving our communication and better contacts. It is easier for us to leave messages in their site or inbox. However, there are still risks to take. If the customization of privacy is not done well, there could be people that steals your information and use it again you. If there are company sites and there are possible people that can access it, in those cases, those so-called hacker can misuse those information and sell it to another company for money or other illegal uses. Possible that an employee's image can be framed and get him/her fired as well. You never know what is next.

It is true that Internet provide us massive information. It has brought great amount of benefits to our society. It is easy and convenient to use. Communication is so much easier. though, we should still be on guard for our privacy. No one wants their privacy to be violated. As for workers, clients, customer, companies, and one want to be framed and lose their job for some misleading information.