Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About my term paper

I did my term paper on how social networking is better than reality. I used several examples and scenarios where social networking benefits our lives more. I used Facebook and Tweeter as examples as well. I researched references from Baruch databases and some recent news that can back up my evidence. Some references come from JSTOR, ISTE, and Google Scholars. I wrote about the cons and pros of Facebook and Tweeter on how it impacts our lives on the internet and in the real world. I chose this topic because I want to further my research and see how Facebook have helped people. I also wanted to see in what ways have it harmed people. As for Twitter, I did not know much. But after a thorough research, it actually in really helpful with job finding. However what was interesting and a major finding for me was from the article on Tweeter's limited 140 words. From one of my article, it talked about mindcasting and lifecasting. The phenomenal idea is that just chatting online can be an art that emphasizes many things. Since technology advance as social media advances, I can understand why mindcasting can be fun and challenging. According to one of my researcher Cortunix,  mindcasting is a method that uses Twitter for exchange of news, information, analysis and opinion. And lifecasting is a method that uses Twitter to make friends and communicate with them, to be in a continuous presence in a community of one's liking. It tells users that today's networking media is more challenging and aesthetic as time pass on. It also tells users that today's new media not only can help our understanding of online communication but also our daily life.

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